
Inkus para iPhone

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 1.6
  • 4.5

  • Estado de Seguridad

Análisis Softonic

Inkus: Conéctate con artistas del tatuaje y descubre ideas para tatuajes

Inkus is a free iPhone app developed by Inkus INC. that aims to connect clients with tattoo artists worldwide. It provides users with a platform to find the perfect tattoo idea and the right tattoo artist for their needs. With its two powerful search engines, Inkus simplifies the process of finding inspiration and booking appointments.

The app offers a comprehensive search feature to find tattoo ideas in various popular tattoo styles. Users can browse through thousands of tattoos created by top tattoo artists, and filter the results based on style, concept, placement, size, and color preferences. This allows users to explore different options and discover the perfect design that resonates with them.

Inkus also provides a search engine to find tattoo artists near the user's location. Users can filter the results based on style, location, whether the artist specializes in black or color tattoos, and hourly rates. This feature ensures that users can find an artist who aligns with their artistic preferences and budget.

One of the standout features of Inkus is its booking functionality. Once users find a tattoo artist they like, they can contact the artist directly through the app. Additionally, users have the ability to save any tattoo they come across as a reference to show their chosen artist during the tattooing process.

Inkus believes that by helping clients find the right tattoo idea and artist more efficiently, they become ideal clients who know exactly what they want. This benefits both the clients and the tattoo artists, as it streamlines the process and ensures a better match between the two parties.

In addition to its primary features, Inkus also provides a preparation page for users who are getting their first tattoo. This page offers general guidance and tips to help users prepare for their tattooing experience.

For any further assistance or inquiries, users can reach out to Inkus via email at

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Inkus para iPhone

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 1.6
  • 4.5

  • Estado de Seguridad

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